The Gabriolf World Cup of Golf is an annual charity golf tournament held by the Gabriola Golf and County Club located on Gabriola Island, B.C. The proceeds from the tournament go to the Gabriola Island Lions Foundation.  The 12th annual Gabriola World Cup of Golf will be held on Friday, August 30, 2019.

Funds raised by the Foundation support other charitable organizations on Gabriola, such as GaLTT, PHC, the Gabriola Museum and the Health Care Foundation and many more...

Join us for a day of friendly competition and support the Gabriola Island Lions Foundation.

Registration Information:

  • The field is limited to 16 teams, enter early to avoid disappointment

  • Each team consists of 5 men and women

  • Team names represent a country, province or state

  • The cost to enter the tournament (including the awards banquet & GST) is $70 for each team member or $350 per team

  • A tax receipt of $40 will be issued to each individual team member

  • If a sponsor (business or individual) wishes to pay for an entire team then a $200 tax receipt will be issued to the sponsor that paid for the entire team

  • Individuals are welcome to enter the tournament and the tournament organizers will place them on a team

  • Net proceeds go to the Gabriola Island Lions Foundation

  • The Gabriola Golf and Country Club is the host of the tournament and the location of the awards banquet

Tournament Format and Rules:

  • The tournament will be held on Friday, August 30, 2019 at the Gabriola Golf and Country Club - Shotgun start at 10:30 a.m.

  • The tournament format is modified Texas Scramble

  • A minimum of three drives are required to be used by each team member

  • The player that has his/her drive chosen can not hit the second shot except for Par 3 hole if the chosen drive is on the green

  • Mulligans will be available for purchase. Only one Mulligan is allowed to be used per team member

  • Maximum two putts

  • Valid Handicap card must be provided at registration for a minimum of three of the team players

  • A brief description of the golf experience of the players with no handicap cards is required

  • A maximum handicap of 40 will be used for women and 35 for men

    • e.g. female player has a handicap of 45 she will entered with a 40 handicap

    • e.g. male player has a handicap of 39 he will be entered with a 35 handicap

  • Rules will be strictly enforced to qualify for prizes